the garden season winding down, I thought it would be interesting to tour our
white border garden throughout this unpredictable year. Spring began very early
after a mild and short winter, causing much confusion for many plants. In late spring there were quite a
few severe storms that wreaked havoc on garden beds, flattened hydrangeas, and
snapped a few branches. Then there was the record breaking hot and dry summer. Despite it all, our white border fared well, and I am grateful for a rewarding season with a succession of many beautiful white blooms.

Let’s look at the white border now, and then earlier in the year.

 Late Sept – Oct: a profusion of Honorine Jobert Japanese anemone flowers. The tuteur is completely covered with Clematis Paniculata, which just finished blooming.
 The front of our house with white shrub roses. The white border is located on the right side, and features white flowering plants along with silvery gray foliage.
 Late August: above photo and three photos below taken when Clematis Paniculata on the tuteur was blooming. The frothy euphorbia Diamond Frost is to the right of the sundial.
 Two close up views of Clematis Paniculata.
 July: phlox David (between tuteur and hornbeam trees) did well this year despite being crushed TWICE by the tuteur from severe storms. The tuteur also damaged a couple peonies. Hope the peonies do well next spring.
 June: white daisies and butterfly bush Buddleia Davidii blooming side by side. Though sweet, the daisies are really floppy….think I’m going to move them.
 June: Asiatic white lilies.
 May: Cheddar Charm peonies and Siberian iris White Swirl.
 Lambs Ears Big Ears in front of Siberian irises.
April: clematis Duchess of Edinburgh climbing on the tuteur.
To see more of our white garden, please visit here and also here. If you would like plant names not included, let me know. Also, if you have plant suggestions please feel free to share…..thanks!